Tag Archives: Strangers

The Chatter Bug: Spend More Time With Others

24 Apr

I spend a lot of time on this blog talking about the relationship you have with yourself. The importance of being able to take care of yourself, hold your own hand and most importantly, love yourself.

Well, I want to shift gears a little for this post.

I believe that relationships are probably one of the MOST important aspects of being alive. They make life a little easier, more fun, and more bearable. I’m not only talking about the  strong bonds you have with your friends or family. I’m talking about acquaintances, people you rarely meet and even strangers. Spontaneous, random, interactive conversation with anybody is a vital part of learning, living and growing.

The people in your life, whether you’ve created bonds with them or not, are an essential part of your quality of life. They provide love, support and some times even strength for you to carry on. Don’t take that for granted. 

1) Family – Every relationship requires effort to sustain and nurture it…even family. I think these are the people we take for granted the most. Most of us even prioritize our friends over family. I just want to remind you that there’s nothing like family. There’s nothing like siblings but there’s definitely nothing like your own parents. 

2) Friends – I know that most of my readers are finishing college or recent graduates. There’s nothing quite like living ten minutes walking distance from every person you love (minus family). Yes, now that you are all doing your own things, it’s definitely harder to spend quality time with your friends. Make sure that you are allowing some time during your week for a phone call. Plan in advance weekend getaways and hang out sessions so it becomes a priority you can’t cancel. Even write emails or snail mail letters on your lunch break just to say you appreciate their friendship. 

3) Older people – I think spending time with older people is incredibly important. Especially as we, the younger generation, fret over the petty things or live through our personal struggles. Older people have more experience, have lived through struggles (sometimes worse than our own), and have more expertise. If you don’t have grandparents or don’t live near them like myself, then spend some time in a nursing home. Not only will you be doing a good deed for your community but you will learn a lot from the people there. It’s a great way to get guidance and to absorb some wisdom or learn old tricks of the trade.

4) Younger people – After having a nephew, I realized how important it is that I act like someone he can look up to. I strive, now, everyday to be the role model he deserves to have as he grows up. If you don’t have younger siblings, nieces or nephews then just keep in mind that you never know when a child is watching you and observing you. Your behavior in public can influence more people than just your own reputation. 

5) Strangers – Simple conversation is all it takes to gain new perspective on life. Next time you’re waiting in line or on public transportation or admiring a stranger’s car/shoes/umbrella….strike up conversation! This is my favorite thing to do. You’ll never know if it’ll make someone’s day, what you’ll learn or who you’ll meet. Seriously! I met Fabolous’ (yes, the rapper) uncle in NY because I struck up random conversation with him at a park while sitting by myself. Before we parted ways, he offered me free tickets/back stage passes to a multi-artist concert. 

Catch the chatter bug. You’ll learn to deal with a variety of people which can foster your own strengths and weaknesses.  You’ll learn stories about the people closest to you that you never knew, you’ll gain perspective from the shortest encounters, and you’ll create a better quality of life for yourself. 
